जिल्ह्याचे नाव
तालुक्याचे नाव
ग्रामपंचायतीचे नाव

Grampanchayat Name


Number of Visitors : 2416020

Total Grampanchayats :- 25  Nos. , Total Properties :- 282324  Nos. , Successful Transaction :- 138494  Nos. , Total Digital Tax Collection :- Rs. 1128238322.00 

Website Feedback

Please add any comments you have for improving the website. We welcome suggestions on specific areas for improvements, features you would like to see added to the site, and examples of what you consider good websites.

Grampanchayat  Bhugaon

How to register to login on the website.

Login not required. Just select District , Taluka , Grampanchayat Name and click on Submit. Search your property , Select property and click on Online to view property Tax Details. Click on confirm - Save Amt , Make Payment , complete rest process .

Abhay Marathe

13/01/2025 10:01:51 AM

14/01/2025 09:34:48 AM

Grampanchayat  Kesnand

Grampanchayath Tax paid online on 10 jan 2025 ,10:30 PM , amount debited successfully from bank but trasition ID not generated & not recieved any confiramtion thru mail or massege Dist; Pune Taluq:- haveli Gram panchayath :- kesnand property no:- 3079/148

Receipt generation depends on your Bank Response.If transaction is pending in Banks pooling a/c then receipt not generate immediately. It will be generate after successful within 48 Hrs. Now transaction is updated. Receipt on Email Sent

Jaheed Patel

11/01/2025 01:54:40 PM

14/01/2025 09:24:14 AM

Grampanchayat  Marunji

The 5% discount is not being calculated in the final amount. Please check the backend code.

Janak Vadgama

08/01/2025 09:00:13 PM

Grampanchayat  Bhugaon



28/12/2024 10:17:29 AM

Grampanchayat  Maan

Website is missing a very basic step. When we make payment online, we can see the amount paid in the online transaction receipt. But, the same is not reflected immediately when we click on online payment again. Even when you click on Property Tax Bill, it shows the old bill. User can get confused and end up paying again. How can this very basic step be missed?

Payment due amount will be changed after receipt generation in Desktop application and fresh data updated on portal every 10-15 days.

Himanshu Raj

01/10/2024 10:20:53 AM

03/12/2024 03:46:52 PM

Grampanchayat  Bhukum

Hi Team, The website / page for property tax must have historical data and records as well. If any pending tax due from past, should be able to view and pay it. All Historical records against property tax for individuals must be available along with status for the tax - paid/unpaid/long due etc. Hope this will be implemented soon.

Ashish Gawande

27/09/2024 01:18:19 PM

Grampanchayat  Marunji

the hindi name and english name are not same. request to please correct it.

Swapnil Katre

26/09/2024 03:21:50 PM

Grampanchayat  Kharabwadi

I have 1 bhk flat in Dwarka City, sector 1A, Mahalunge Ingale, Tal - Khed, Dist - Pune. but I do not see any option to pay grampanchayat property tax online. It looks like their no data available for Mahalunge Ingale grampanchayat. Can you do something about it. Thanks Sunil Dalkari

Sunil Dalkari

25/09/2024 03:45:05 PM

Grampanchayat  Maan

I am not able to make the online payment of property tax since two days as icon of online payment is not appearing after confirming the amount of tax on the tax notice page. Please look into so that the payment of the tax can be made.

Ranjana kashyap

24/09/2024 01:17:50 PM

Grampanchayat  Bhukum

I am not able to pay the property tax , need assistance Please . PT Number : 1244/050

Clifford Lobo

19/09/2024 02:30:37 PM

Grampanchayat  Kesnand

Please provide option for Dog Keeping License.

Vikas Sahni

19/09/2024 01:00:13 AM

Grampanchayat  Bhugaon

Unable to pay tax online.site is not taking payment option pl guide

Gokhale Uma

13/09/2024 07:50:15 AM

Grampanchayat  Maan

There should be a logic to convert website content to english.


11/09/2024 03:49:04 PM

Grampanchayat  Bhukum

One thing to be changed on the website is that a BACK OPTION should be given after selecting the property Online Payment Property Tax Bill Property Tax Notice Online Tax Transaction Receipt Grampanchayat Tax Receipt If we open any above options and want to go back we need to refresh or click on home and re-entre property details


18/07/2024 05:09:52 PM

Grampanchayat  Khor

Can you please send me instruction on to make the payment online and in English please


15/07/2024 09:10:45 PM

Grampanchayat  Maan

Should have an option to convert the language to Hindi and English too to understand better for those who are not fluent in Marathi specially reading and writing.

Ankit Garg

10/07/2024 10:24:57 PM

Grampanchayat  Shikrapur

Very good start up by Gram panchayat. I think below my suggestion will help to improve more... Required an option for contact/mobile number update, so once bill is generated by gram panchayat the message will automatically go to the registered mobile number with payment link.


09/07/2024 10:19:11 PM

Grampanchayat  Maan

Please correct My Name and Address on the Bill receipt


02/07/2024 04:55:58 PM

Grampanchayat  Somatane

Hi, It would be good if the language option of Marathi/Hindi/English could be provided for the website. For people who have bought the property and do not know Marathi, it is difficult for them to understand the notice.

Ritu Bhatnagar

21/06/2024 10:59:46 AM

Grampanchayat  Shirur Gramin

Online payment issues Payment showing pending

Navnath Popat Padwal

13/06/2024 09:54:01 AM

Grampanchayat  Maan

Property Tax for Property No 2016 and 2017 cannot be paid online. How to pay?

Margaret Sequeira

12/06/2024 11:38:39 AM

Grampanchayat  Maan

I am not able to do online payment

Ankur Kumawat

10/06/2024 11:27:17 PM

Grampanchayat  Maan

Trying to pay tax on line since last 4 days - unable to pay and it is giving error. Regards Rajeev


10/06/2024 06:33:00 PM

Grampanchayat  Maan

Unable to pay property tax on line

N M Thampi

10/06/2024 04:40:15 PM

Grampanchayat  Maan

Not able to pay property tax online. Could you please fix it or let me know if there is any other way to pay online ?


07/06/2024 09:27:08 PM

Grampanchayat  Bhugaon

Dear Sir, Please try to have name in english alongwith Marathi Also have proper mailing address instead of gmail.com Thanks & Regards, Mahesh

Mahesh Nijampurkar

03/06/2024 10:08:46 PM

Grampanchayat  Maan

paid property tax today by Gpay unable to see the receipt or any transaction acknowledgement ,the home page shows the same amount is due pls reply

Till date all transaction is updated. Please check your transaction against your property number. And Please confirm your Property number

Mrs Neelam Subhash Nikale

23/05/2024 08:24:22 PM

30/05/2024 12:31:25 PM

Grampanchayat  Bhukum

Online payment page is not working. It is not going to the payment page.

Akshat Devaraj

23/05/2024 11:19:14 AM

Grampanchayat  Marunji

i have to pay property tax for 2024, site does not open. what to do matter urgent

tej kr machama

11/05/2024 07:28:25 AM

Grampanchayat  Maan

I could not able to pay gram panchayat tax online. It is showing error page when I clicked on confirm amount button.

Darshan Gandhi

10/05/2024 08:34:24 PM

Grampanchayat  Maan

Is it possible to send the property tax to members via email whenever it becomes available. This will allow many of us to pay the bill on time. Thanks, Hema

Property tax bill via email

02/05/2024 06:29:12 AM

Grampanchayat  Maan

Trying to pay online through the website via Bill Desk .Unable to pay. Kindly let me know another mode of payment

Anita khushu

22/04/2024 12:00:56 PM

Grampanchayat  Bhugaon

property number 6905 paranjpe sceme bhugoan ,online payment for property tax not available.what step to follow?

After updating F.Y. 2024-2025 Data your property is available to make tax payment


12/04/2024 10:35:34 PM

22/04/2024 10:19:33 AM

Grampanchayat  Somatane

Property tax online payment facility should be started for Gahunje Grampanchayat. It is really very difficult (for persons not staying actually there but owns property in Gahunje) to reach & pay personally Property tax payment within week days. In this digital era, all Government Body payment must be paid online. Please sincere request to take initiative for this. Thanks & regards.


09/04/2024 03:07:00 PM

Grampanchayat  Bhugaon

Unable to make payment with website saying " Facility not avaiable"

F.Y. 2024-2025 Data uploaded and payment facility started

Vinay Tinaikar

08/04/2024 12:23:20 PM

22/04/2024 10:18:16 AM

Grampanchayat  Bhugaon

Billdesk portal is not working for online payment of property tax.

Bhiku Santosh Sinai Usgaonker

26/03/2024 08:40:17 PM

Grampanchayat  Maan

i want to pay my property tax kindly let me know the amount

After searching and selecting Property number you will get Property Amount information.


19/03/2024 06:44:51 PM

25/03/2024 12:26:11 PM

Grampanchayat  Maan

i want to pay my property tax kindly let me know the amount

After searching and selecting Property number you will get Property Amount information.


19/03/2024 06:43:49 PM

25/03/2024 12:26:07 PM

Grampanchayat  Maan

There should be two vital information 1. How is the property tax calculated. 2.Functionality to update name etc. for that property.

Please contact Grampanchayat Office in Office hrs.


19/03/2024 11:58:19 AM

25/03/2024 12:24:23 PM

Grampanchayat  Bhugaon

I am not able to find my name owner name against my flat in order to make tax payment. M

Kashmira F Khodaiji

17/03/2024 08:20:09 PM

Grampanchayat  Kharabwadi

Hi, I am able to see online tax payment details for Kharabwadi grampanchayat in Khed taluka. I want to pay tax for Dhanore, Khed taluka. Could you please check and update how and where I need to pay online property tax for Dhanore grampanchayat.


04/03/2024 05:05:59 PM

Grampanchayat  Marunji

I am not finding any way to pay the property tax online for the flat in Susgaon.

Vijay Hambar

26/12/2023 10:15:29 AM

Grampanchayat  Maan

Not able to pay property tax bill online after downloading the bill. Please help.

Avinash Singh

10/12/2023 03:09:11 PM

Grampanchayat  Bhukum

ऑनलाईन टॅक्स पेमेंट होत नाही.

Ganesh Hagawane

03/12/2023 10:04:16 AM

Grampanchayat  Bhugaon

Unable to pay Tax bill online, continuously getting an error please look into this issue and get a solution. It would really help in reducing time to pay taxes online instead of going to the office physically.

Mandar V. Deshmukh

03/11/2023 02:26:50 PM

Grampanchayat  Kharabwadi

Nanekarwadi panchayat tax cannot be paid online . please guide . CANNOT SELECT NANEKARWADI PANCHAYAT

prachi kothadiya

25/10/2023 04:52:13 PM

Grampanchayat  Kadamwakwasti

Unable to find details about Shrirampur Grampanchayat.

Sanket Gadgil

10/10/2023 10:21:48 AM

Grampanchayat  Maan

Online bill gateway is not working. it gives error - unable to process your request right now.

Medha Bhave

07/10/2023 02:04:10 PM

Grampanchayat  Wadebolhai

We have online paid property tax on UPI Amount will be deducted from account, but system generated blank payment receipt and also did not show any payment confirmation on property tax. So my transaction is successful or not plz tell me.


30/09/2023 04:49:34 PM

Grampanchayat  Kharabwadi

Request you to correct spelling in names property number - 1334/28 Correct spellings Mahadeo Anant Taralkar Pratibha Mahadeo Taralkar

Mahadeo Anant Taralkar

30/09/2023 12:30:45 PM

Grampanchayat  Kharabwadi

Request you to correct spelling in names property number - 1334/28 Correct spellings Mahadeo Anant Taralkar Pratibha Mahadeo Taralkar

Mahadeo Anant Taralkar

30/09/2023 12:30:32 PM

Grampanchayat  Maan

Bill dedk payment gateway for paying property tax is not working. I am unable to deposit money.

Sudheendra Gumaste

10/09/2023 02:16:26 PM

Grampanchayat  Somatane

Gahunje gram panchayat is not listing under Maval.

Anupam Kamal

05/09/2023 10:41:57 PM

Grampanchayat  Bhugaon

The website is very poor connectivity and it will not search my property so I could not able to make a payment of property tax. Request you to pls look into this so that I can take the benefit of online payment and paid my property tax.

Sandeep shivajirao jadhav

02/09/2023 09:45:06 AM

Grampanchayat  Kasarsai

Online payment nahi hot ahe tya sati chalu karave, online records rahitil, online madhe transparency ahe, online portal vr barobar bill ahe ani hard copy chukichi milali ahe, please asa chuka jhali nahi pahijel

Swapnil Devanand Jagtap

18/08/2023 01:32:03 AM

Grampanchayat  Maan

Sometimes the website does not show the details in payment receipt after the payment is completed successfully. Also with the download pdf option, a blank payment receipt is generated which does not include any details of the payment done. Please correct this as I am not able to download my payment receipt from the site. Thanks Aditya Agrawal

Aditya Agrawal

15/08/2023 01:13:15 PM

Grampanchayat  Somatane

Payment for property tax not working

Working Properly. Please call on 9422517141 for help if needed

Sagar Dagdu

02/08/2023 07:50:57 PM

14/08/2023 08:24:35 AM

Grampanchayat  Wadki

List for villages/ gram panchayat is not populated after selection of district and taluka.

Mayuri A Wavhal

27/07/2023 06:44:42 AM

Grampanchayat  Bhugaon

I am not able to do online payment trying since last month. After clinking on save confirm option (1st step on for payment) it shows server error page. Kindly check and resolve on priority.

Mukund Teli

22/07/2023 07:28:15 PM

Grampanchayat  Maan

I am trying to pay my property tax online for property no. 2914, Tal. Maan, Dist. Pune but each time I confirm the amount to make payment the site just crashes. This is happening for last one week & I had also complained about it 2 days ago. I request you to make the site work properly. You are loosing revenue in having a defective site.

You made successful Payment on 15/07/2023

Dibyendu Kankalia

14/07/2023 11:21:38 AM

15/07/2023 11:23:10 PM

Grampanchayat  Bhugaon

Dear Sir, There is a link for Refund & Cancellation Policy but not able to find any link for requesting refund. Please let me know how can we claim for a refund because by mistake we made 2 transactions against the tax bill generated for the period 01/04/2023 to 31/03/2024. Thanks and looking forward to hear from you. Regards, Vinod Kumar.

Vinod Kumar Bhaskaran Naduparambil

09/07/2023 10:58:29 PM

Grampanchayat  Gorhe Budruk

Guide me how to pay Grampanchayat tax for my above property on online portal. or send me tax demand and how to pay it. Please provise us Bank details of Grampanchayat & tax amount, so thet we can pay it in time. Thanks and regards!!!! ... Uday Arun Tol.

Property Tax Data with new Tax assessment has been updated on portal and payment option is now started. Thank You.


15/06/2023 11:39:05 PM

05/07/2023 09:41:04 AM

Grampanchayat  Bhugaon

Due to non availability of Demand note/letter, I am unable to pay property tax as property No. is required. Details of property are as under:- Tower 1 Flat 1007 Owner Name: Ashok Kumar Trivedi Building Name: Skyi Songbirds Road: Paud Road, Location: Bhugaon 412215 Pl. advise property no. to pay property tax on line. Thanks.

Ashok Kumar Trivedi

01/06/2023 11:03:50 AM

Grampanchayat  Shirur Gramin

While payment - Message is coming as this facility is not available to this Grampanchyat, Please contact.

Property Tax Data with new Tax assessment has been updated on portal and payment option is now started. Thank You.

Jagannath Kamble

31/05/2023 12:38:25 PM

05/06/2023 09:54:21 PM

Grampanchayat  Maan

We have paid property tax physically in grampanchayat Maan gaon yet records are not updated with paid taxes Make online payments operational

Property Tax Data with new Tax assessment has been updated on portal and payment option is now started. Thank You.

abhishek bhujbal

26/05/2023 11:25:02 AM

29/05/2023 11:46:10 PM

Grampanchayat  Maan

Outstanding column is not updated till now. Property tax can not be paid online

Property Tax Data with new Tax assessment has been updated on portal and payment option is now started. Thank You.

Kamaleshwar Prasad

24/05/2023 04:01:00 PM

29/05/2023 11:46:19 PM

Grampanchayat  Maan

Website does not allow online payment of Maan Village Property Tax. Kindly revert back with reason why this is not allowed.

Property Tax Data with new Tax assessment has been updated on portal and payment option is now started. Thank You.


23/05/2023 09:38:38 AM

29/05/2023 11:46:26 PM

Grampanchayat  Maan

I am trying to do online payment but payment link is not working. Could you please look into it?

Property Tax Data with new Tax assessment has been updated on portal and payment option is now started. Thank You.

Atul Ratnaparkhi

05/05/2023 08:25:15 AM

29/05/2023 11:46:32 PM

Grampanchayat  Maan

Hi, I am not able to make property tax payment. My property ID is, 4733/41. (spelendor megapolis, 4733/41, flat number. A10/1101

Property Tax Data with new Tax assessment has been updated on portal and payment option is now started. Thank You.


04/05/2023 06:55:43 PM

29/05/2023 11:46:43 PM

Grampanchayat  Maan

I am trying to make online payment of property tax since last one week but not able to get option make payment .Request you to please check and let me know when can we make the payment online

Property Tax Data with new Tax assessment has been updated on portal and payment option is now started. Thank You.

Rajesh Agarwal

02/05/2023 11:29:52 AM

29/05/2023 11:46:55 PM

Grampanchayat  Maan

पेगासस प्रॉपर्टीज प्रा.लि. मिळकत नंबर4656/33 भावे मेधा केदार मी तुमच्या लक्षात आणून देण्यासाठी लिहित आहे की तुमच्या वेबसाइटवरील मालमत्ता पेमेंट लिंक काम करत नसल्याचे दिसते. मी माझ्या मालमत्ता कराचा भरणा करण्याचा प्रयत्न करत आहे, परंतु लिंक तुटलेली दिसते. माझे पेमेंट करण्यासाठी मला पर्यायी उपाय द्या.

Property Tax Data with new Tax assessment has been updated on portal and payment option is now started. Thank You.

Medha Bhave

01/05/2023 08:34:28 PM

29/05/2023 11:47:12 PM

Grampanchayat  Shirambe

When I select the Solapur district it is not showing the Taluka list


16/04/2023 12:07:25 PM

Grampanchayat  Maan

The online payment portal is down , can you.please help to fix it so we can pay tax online .

Property Tax Data with new Tax assessment has been updated on portal and payment option is now started. Thank You.

Pavanjit Mane

13/04/2023 12:23:13 PM

29/05/2023 11:47:22 PM

Grampanchayat  Maan

The online payment option is not working. It has been down for many days. Can you pl. look into it.

After Year end and Rate Revision process payment option is open. Please wait for some days.


12/04/2023 09:19:41 AM

13/04/2023 09:55:46 AM

Grampanchayat  Wadki

I am not able to do online payment of property tax my Home Please help


11/04/2023 05:55:05 PM

Grampanchayat  Somatane

Unable to pay online tax

nisha sachin bhagat

11/04/2023 11:16:17 AM

Grampanchayat  Wadki

I want to pay the Grampanchayat tax for Manjri Budruk, Tal Haveli, District Pune. I dont see the option to select Manjri Budruk Can you please advise?

Vinod Kulkarni

10/04/2023 09:53:26 PM

Grampanchayat  Maan

website doesnt allowed online property tax payment for Maan village

Property Tax Data with new Tax assessment has been updated on portal and payment option is now started. Thank You.


09/04/2023 03:52:46 PM

29/05/2023 11:47:43 PM

Grampanchayat  Somatane

Am trying to make an online payment but it says this facility is not available or throws up an error. Last year I was able to me an online payment.

Rajesh Panicker

08/04/2023 09:08:48 AM

Grampanchayat  Maan

Please enable Mann Grampanchayat in Pune for online Property Tax payment. It used to work till 2021. I am getting a message that this feature is not available for this gram panchayat anymore.

Property Tax Data with new Tax assessment has been updated on portal and payment option is now started. Thank You.


03/04/2023 01:07:42 PM

29/05/2023 11:48:22 PM

Grampanchayat  Bhugaon

unable to pay online as website is not tested and giving run time exception?

Siddheshwar Yashwant Pitale

29/03/2023 11:13:58 AM

Grampanchayat  Maan

My property tax bill is having name of builder. May please update the correct name on it. बील नंबर : 5547/081


03/03/2023 04:34:22 PM

Grampanchayat  Bhugaon

I want to log in to the gramchaitanya website. How to register, pls guide. Also make the website more smart and active. There is nothing working except for payment page of property tax. Make the website up to date so as to enable us do all the documentation work online easily. Thanks.

jyoti mogre

03/03/2023 11:52:44 AM

Grampanchayat  Maan

our Death option not working properly please do the need full. i have death certificate of my father kindly provide ASAP.


28/12/2022 04:39:29 PM

Grampanchayat  Maan

Grampanchayat tax payment I did multiple times. Site seems not secured. My payment of Credit card declines as site not secured. UPI payment today got thru but havenot received receipt yet. It showed me unsuccessful as site is not secured. I will wait for decline of payment and do it by cheque

Site is secured. Billdesk Gateway used which is secured. And your transaction has been updated successfully.

Pankaj Abhyankar

24/12/2022 11:23:27 PM

27/12/2022 07:12:18 PM

Grampanchayat  Bhugaon

Not able to do online payment for the property tax.. No where Bill desk option is shown

Pramod Pramod

07/12/2022 03:38:16 PM

Grampanchayat  Maan

Grampanchayat Maan, Property no (5509/075) while paying for property tax through Gramchaitanya Online site. My and my wife name spelling shown on the property tax bill is wrong in both English and Marathi. My correct spelling in English is (SHRAJESH CHAURASIA). My wife correct spelling in English is (MEENU CHAURASIA) and in Marathi is (चौरसिया मीनू ) . Appreciate and thankyou in advance if the same can be corrected. Shrajesh Chaurasia

Shrajesh Chaurasia

02/12/2022 04:53:06 PM

Grampanchayat  Bhugaon

हाय टीम, फक्त तुम्हाला कळवायचे आहे कि, मला माझा एका मालमत्ताचा कर भरायचा आहे, जो भुकुम परिसरात आहे,पण मला मालमत्ता कर भरण्यासाठी भुकुम ग्रामपंचायत पोर्टल सापडले नाही. वरील मालमत्ताचा कर कसा भरावा यासाठी मला मदत करावी ही आपणास विनंती. कृपाभिलाषी , अर्जुन

Arjun Chandrakant Barge

01/10/2022 10:23:11 PM

Grampanchayat  Maan

I have paid the property tax for current year but can not see any paid receipt. The payment was made on 9 th june 2022

If pending transaction will be cleared in 48 hrs. If not then amt credited to your account from your Bank. Please check statement or ask to Your Bank. Also contact us with debited amt details.

Purushottam Lal Malani

06/09/2022 08:40:03 PM

13/09/2022 09:48:50 AM

Grampanchayat  Wadki

call me panipatti gharpatti software need nagar tauka.


27/07/2022 04:02:13 PM

Grampanchayat  Maan

- Add facility to download previous FY years property tax bills and payment receipts (similar to IT Return Tax) - Send email notifications/ SMS notifications whenever a new property tax bill is generated

All previous years Tax demand Tax receipt and Tax Dues report is available in desktop application. Please contact at Grampanchayat Office and get it. Thanks.

Nilkanth Yalameli

23/06/2022 09:31:43 PM

24/08/2022 11:09:35 AM

Grampanchayat  Maan

online payment link is not opening. Bill detail or any other sight is not opening


19/06/2022 03:09:21 PM

Grampanchayat  Maan

Any message put in the Write message is getting posted on the website for everyone to see. Please rectify this issue


16/06/2022 02:07:15 PM

Grampanchayat  Bhugaon

Site not working and always giving a message "Currently there are no records available".

For Financial Closing Online Payment Option is closed. Now Today onwards Online Payment option is started

Anup Kumar Gupta

26/04/2022 10:24:52 AM

26/04/2022 10:25:04 AM

Grampanchayat  Marunji

Website is very user-friendly. Congratulations for making platform to have better communication.

Rohidas Kale

15/03/2022 06:38:27 AM

Grampanchayat  Kesnand

I am staying in Nyati Elan West Wagholi. However Wagholi is not available for property tax payments

After 01/07/2021 Grampanchayat Wagholi included in PMC areas. Payment is stopped for Wagholi. You have to pay all dues to PMC.

uma mahesh babu

29/01/2022 10:33:15 PM

31/01/2022 09:02:30 AM

Grampanchayat  Kadamwakwasti

Manjari Budhruk option is not available and results are not displayed if correct Property Tax Number or Name or Mobile is entered

After 01/07/2021 Grampanchayat Kirkatwadi included in PMC areas. Payment is stopped for Kirkatwadi. You have to pay all dues to PMC.

Akhil Vijay Hampe

20/01/2022 02:29:08 PM

10/02/2022 01:35:58 PM

Grampanchayat  Kesnand

Hi, I am trying to pay property bill using this site and Wagholi is not reflecting under the drop down. Till last year i used this for paying online. Is there any change..

Ankur Manjul Shrivastava

10/11/2021 12:07:28 PM

Grampanchayat  Gorhe Budruk

Manjari Bk. grampanchayat online option not able to select in drop down.

Yogesh A Bhogan

30/10/2021 12:31:42 PM

Grampanchayat  Marunji

I am unable to find pirangut option under mulshi taluka, can you please check Nd fix this issue

Srikant Ganji

24/09/2021 05:52:44 PM

Grampanchayat  Kesnand

I am trying to pay online property tax but Wagholi gram panchayat is not coming over there. Thanks and regards


20/09/2021 03:25:00 PM

Grampanchayat  Wadki

very good site for payment


14/09/2021 02:27:47 PM

Grampanchayat  Urulikanchan

Dear team, I would like know munch tax is pending. To be clear through online site. For manjari Panchayat I am not able see under haveli.. Please fix the issue as soon as possible Or share which one to be select for manjari Panchayat


09/09/2021 01:13:14 AM

Grampanchayat  Kadamwakwasti

Grampanchayat team iam Dhanshree Kishor Chavan please update my mobile no 8975876588 ,any tax invoies

Dhanshree kishor chavan

07/09/2021 07:20:12 PM

Grampanchayat  Urulikanchan

I am not able to find Manjari Budruk Grampanchayat in the list of Haveli Taluka. I need to pay property tax for this financial. Please help me to pay it.

Shrinivas Ketanboina

03/09/2021 04:02:09 PM

Grampanchayat  Marunji

Kindly provide more payment options like Paytm and Amazon UPI for more convenience.

Yugandhara Yeolekar

26/08/2021 10:03:06 AM

Grampanchayat  Bhugaon

Dear Sir, This is to inform you that, our flat number 1937 is not featuring in the website for tax payment. Requesting your help. Thanks, Samir Kumar

Samir Kumar and Vinita Verma

24/08/2021 08:31:17 AM

Grampanchayat  Kadamwakwasti


Mohan dattatray ikhankar

18/08/2021 05:14:56 PM

Grampanchayat  Wadki

Grampanchayat Wagholi, There is no name of Wagholi in taluka Haveli. How to pay tax? Rgds

Virender Singh Dahiya

11/08/2021 06:48:53 PM

Grampanchayat  Wadki

In Haveli taluka there is no wagholi gram panchayat.

Avnish Paliwal

30/07/2021 05:37:30 PM

Grampanchayat  Kesnand

I received SMS on my number 9420214360 for payment of Rs 5000/- as property tax for property No 11425 for the year 21-22. However, I am not able to access my bill on this site. Kindly resolve the issue at the earliest.


30/07/2021 04:36:56 AM

Grampanchayat  Kesnand

Dear Sir, Milkat No.3428/65 not shown in your website, due to this reason payment not transfer, and also QR code not access by BHIM, Gpay and Phonepay. for Shakil Shaikh Umesh Tandale

Umesh Tandale

21/07/2021 09:39:32 AM

Grampanchayat  Maan

When doing property search PIRANGUT village is not coming in dropdown (it is a village under Pune city, Mulshi district) Because of this issue we are not able to pay property tax.

All service related to this portal for Grampanchayat Pirangut will be started again shortly.

Amit Gautam

04/07/2021 10:29:48 AM

07/07/2021 10:05:16 PM

Grampanchayat  Wadki

Respected, Sir, Madam Please inform me to property tax date in advance to avoid our notice fee / pdf bill on my mobile no. I am very happy to pay online tax . Your login side is very fast & easy to pay.

आर्थिक वर्ष 2021-2022 चा डेटा अपलोड करुन ऑनलाइन पेमेंट सुविधा चालू करुन देण्यात आली आहे.


16/05/2021 06:17:57 PM

19/05/2021 10:09:00 AM

Grampanchayat  Marunji

it does not allow me to make property tax payment

Anant Dube

18/04/2021 03:54:00 PM

Grampanchayat  Bhugaon

Dear Sir, I was trying to pay the Property Tax through this site, however when I tried to pay the said Property tax on line the system said this is possible. Seek you help to make this payment online. Thanking you Sameer Karekatte

For Financial Closing Online Payment Option is closed for 2-3 Days. Now Today onwards Payment option is started for Wagholi Grampanchayat.

sameer Karekatte

05/04/2021 07:05:03 PM

06/04/2021 02:41:26 PM

Grampanchayat  Somatane

Not able to pay tax bill online.

For Financial Closing Online Payment Option is closed for 2-3 Days

Reena Joy

01/04/2021 02:34:32 PM

01/04/2021 04:18:58 PM

Grampanchayat  Somatane

When make payment to Somatane Grampanchayat, the Grampanchayat shown in payment page on the website is Wagholi. Why is it so? Thanks

It is a Merchant id Name Wagholigrm used for Payment Gateway .

Subhash Gursal

09/03/2021 01:40:07 PM

09/03/2021 07:57:14 PM

Grampanchayat  Somatane

Why grampanchayat.co.in is not Secure? It should use https:// . Also, it is not user friendly. Mostly have to make guess as what options to select. Difficult to trust and use this website if it is not Secure. Thanks

Billdesk payment Gateway used which is fully secure. We cannot saved any payment related information on portal. Only saved Property related information which is periodically deleted and fresh information will be updated on portal.

Subhash Gursal

09/03/2021 12:31:06 AM

09/03/2021 11:07:10 AM

Grampanchayat  Somatane

When making payment to Grampanchayat Somatane, it shows up as Wagholi on the payment page. Why is it so? I did make a payment for property 0427 today, but system did not generate receipt. I see similar comments from other users about not generating/getting receipt. Could you help resolve this and confirm payment has been received? Payment was debited from my bank account. Thanks, Subhash Gursal

Receipt generation depends on your Bank Response.If transaction is pending in Banks pooling a/c then receipt not generate immediately. It will be generate after successful.

Subhash Gursal

08/03/2021 08:45:44 PM

09/03/2021 11:02:49 AM

Grampanchayat  Maan

When I am trying to deposit property tax through this portal for property no 4740/49 through Gramchaitanya Online site, after confirming the amount and saving the amount when i click make payment following error message is coming: Sorry we are unable to process your request right now - Invalid merchant details (ERRP004). Please resolve the issue. I have tried from both Google chrome & Mozilla browser but not able to deposit the tax

Balanced Amt shows extra paid. Hence unable to pay now. Call at Grampanchayat Office and confirm.

Navin Nischal

05/03/2021 04:31:29 PM

06/03/2021 05:16:16 PM

Grampanchayat  Shirur Gramin

kindly add the grampanchayat Koregaon bhima to this portal in shirur taluka

Prashant Gaikwad

03/03/2021 12:01:43 PM

Grampanchayat  Maan

Can the website be made available in Elanguage english. Its just one button to enable it to switch from Marathi to Hindi or Marathi to English. Maharashtra is culturally rich state so It should be accessible and understandable to all. Humble request to consider this feedback.

Sandeep Sandhu

12/02/2021 10:30:00 AM

Grampanchayat  Marunji

Please provide Gram panchayat Tax Bill to me for above property

Basavaraj Amane

10/01/2021 07:25:00 PM

Grampanchayat  Sultanwadi

Verry good system for property tax assessment development

Balasaheb Sudam Ghule

05/12/2020 07:25:05 AM

Grampanchayat  Marunji

I paid online tax. However receipt was generated and emailed to me after few days. I made the payment on 18th November 2020 and the receipt was received on 21st November 2020. Just one suggestion, like MSEB Bills etc. if the receipt is generated immediately, it will be great. Rest everything is excellent. Members in Grampanchayat responded very promptly for the queries raised.

Receipt generation depends on your Bank Response.If transaction is pending in Banks pooling a/c then receipt not generate immediately. It will be generate after successful.

Sujata Sham Mulye

01/12/2020 03:16:38 PM

02/12/2020 12:26:40 AM

Grampanchayat  Maan


Govind Ram Grover

01/12/2020 02:22:42 PM

Grampanchayat  Maan

Sir, Please correct our mobile number, and Email Id record along with owner name record for above said property given in address. please check.

Komal subhedar, Amey subhedar.

20/11/2020 09:00:52 PM

Grampanchayat  Somatane

Under "Maval" not able to see the "Ganhunje" grampanchayat. also search is not working.

tejas sarde

14/10/2020 01:36:13 PM

Grampanchayat  Marunji

The original flat no for my property was K 501. However builder did reassign after revised agreement to make Flat no as K 504. The property no is 1727. The digital record is not updated. Kindly up date Flat no of following - 1. P K RAY & JAYASHRI RAY as K 504 instead of K 501. Property no. 1727. 2. Also change Mrs.Sheety as K 501 instaed of K 504. Property no. 1730.


23/09/2020 03:33:38 PM

Grampanchayat  Wadki


Chaitrali Sagar Shinde

12/09/2020 12:31:04 PM

Grampanchayat  Bhugaon

Very good website. Easy to operate.

Ulhas Joglekar

10/09/2020 08:00:35 PM

Grampanchayat  Somatane

all employers smart work of this grampanchayat.

Kundan Haribhau Sawant

10/09/2020 03:59:48 PM

Grampanchayat  Bhugaon

Recently I paid my property tax via gramchaitanya. After successful payment, I can saw a bank referance number on detail page however when I download a receipt bank ref number is missing.

Auto email receipt sent to your email id on 10:26 AM. Please conform. Also transaction receipt is available on portal by clicking on Tab Tax Transaction Receipt.

Prashant Krishna Patil

10/09/2020 10:33:25 AM

10/09/2020 02:01:04 PM

Grampanchayat  Somatane

I am trying to pay the panchayat tax online. But there is no pay now button showing up. I am not able to proceed further as the gateway and bank page is not openeing Pl. look into the matter

Somtimes it may be Browser issue. Please try using Mozilla Browser.

Babu Raja Sai

08/09/2020 12:26:16 PM

10/09/2020 09:32:30 AM

Grampanchayat  Maan

It will be good if you also have an ENGLIGH portal. My name is SHYAM S, My name is now indicated in English as SHAM S and in Marathi, "Shyam Sa". In the old website, my name was captured correctly. Appreciate if the same can be corrected.

This portal data update from Desktop Application data. Please write email to Grampanchayat on grampanchayat.maan@gmail.com requesting to update English name , Mobile , and your mail id.


07/09/2020 10:33:12 AM

07/09/2020 06:17:43 PM

Grampanchayat  Kesnand

Over all good website points which needs enhancement are as below search using English language missing Mobile update function missing UPI payment facility missing Thanks, Kedar

Kedar Hendre

04/08/2020 01:11:38 PM

Grampanchayat  Somatane

Very good website...I I liked it... everything is good...

Thanks for Appreciation.

Madhuri Gharote

20/07/2020 04:28:25 PM

10/09/2020 09:33:03 AM

Grampanchayat  Marunji

The Online Tax Payment website does not accept any tax payment. It gives message saying, This website does not have this facility. How do yo then pay the property tax.

F.Y. not closed hence payment facility stopped. Now it has been started. Please try and pay the property tax.

Vijay Kapoor

22/06/2020 03:23:00 PM

23/06/2020 07:25:49 AM

Grampanchayat  Shirur Gramin

I do not see the details of my town on this web site because I want to pay property tax online. The details of my town are:Korhale bk,Taluka.Baramati,Distrc.Pune 412103 Maharashtra

Mr.Ganesh Trimbak Chavan

04/04/2020 01:08:17 PM

Grampanchayat  Bhugaon

Hello, I am unable to pay the Property Tax (Property number 6801) online as the website is throwing an error after the confirmation button is clicked as a confirmation to pay the amount online. Please look into this and fix this issue at the earliest

Sushil Maslekar

03/04/2020 09:37:21 PM

Grampanchayat  Bhugaon

Hello, Today(02/04/2020) I was trying to pay the property tax, I am getting a webpage error after clicking the payment button. Please let me know so that I can do the payment at the earliest. Thanks, Rahul Property tax no.4551

Rahul Badve

02/04/2020 06:24:12 PM

Grampanchayat  Maan

1. Procedure and documentation and CHARGES required to avail various facilities...like Obtaining Birth certificate not found anywhere. 2. There is no option to raise concern to higher authorities. 3. No RTI link. Please update the same at the earliest or atleast let me know to whom i should approach for this. Thanks and Regards

Village Development Officer --Mr. Patil 8605147000 Clerk -- 8805357656 Email-- grampanchayat.maan@gmail.com

NIlesh C

09/03/2020 12:13:09 PM

10/03/2020 08:27:16 AM

Grampanchayat  Bhugaon

Bhukum is not seen in the Gram Panchayat drop down for Taluka Mulshi. We are unable to pay property tax online. All other Gram Panchayat names are available. Please add Bhukum in the list.

Parag Pimputkar

13/02/2020 05:11:11 PM

Grampanchayat  Shirur Gramin

We have paid property tax online yesterday but we have not yet received tax receipt and also not even generated on the portal. Please look into it on priority. milkat number : 1926/33

Receipt generation depends on your Bank Response.If transaction is pending in Banks pooling a/c then receipt not generate immediately. It will be generate after successful. Now Receipt is ready and available on portal

Sunil Patil

29/11/2019 03:57:56 PM

30/11/2019 09:25:54 AM

Grampanchayat  Wadki

Dear sir i paid my property tax on online portal date-27/11/2019. but still my receipt not generate so please sort out my issue as soon as possible. following are my property and payment details. property number- 2765 amount - 3177.05

pratap karne

27/11/2019 02:41:09 PM

Grampanchayat  Somatane

मला माझ्या प्लॉटमध्ये ( लोणावळा मावळ तालुकायत वाकई गावत अहे) बांधकाम आणि पुनर्बांधणीसाठी परवानगीची विचारपूस करायची आहे. कृपया सर्व कायदेशीर परवानग्या आवश्यक असतील आणि कोणास मंजूरीसाठी पत्रे द्यायचे याचा सल्ला घ्या. या प्रक्रियेसाठी अधिकृतपणे काही देयके असतील तर मी ऐकले आहे की आम्हाला ग्रामपंचायतींना काही पैसे द्यावे लागतील परंतु त्या देयकासाठी अधिकृत पावती मिळणार नाही. कृपया माझ्या ईमेल आयडीवर परत करा.

Please contact Grampanchayat Clerk Mr. Raju on 9881370779

prapti Agashe

22/11/2019 11:51:02 AM

25/11/2019 07:42:27 PM

Grampanchayat  Bhugaon

dear Sir, i have paid tax online but status not showing sucussed....but amount credited from my account propert id is -3264-bhigaon.dist pune.tal mulshi.


16/11/2019 05:06:49 PM

Grampanchayat  Bhugaon

Your gramchaitanya.co.in website does not work for online payments, as when put name or number shows no details found in records.

Sagar Suresh Kulkarni

13/11/2019 10:46:28 AM

Grampanchayat  Bhugaon

Dear Sir, i made online transaction for Grampanchayat tax through www.gramchaitanya.co.in on dated 11th Nov 2019 but i have not received transaction receipt or any confirmation. this amount has been deducted from my account. Property No : 3435. I request you to help in this. My property comes under Bhugaon Grampanchayat, Tal. Mulshi, Dist. Pune Ref. No. RSBI8191172751 IGAHKWQCS3

Receipt generation depends on your Bank Response.If transaction is pending in Banks pooling a/c then receipt not generate immediately. It will be generate after successful. Now Receipt is ready and available on portal

Mayur Raghu Marathe

12/11/2019 04:11:04 PM

13/11/2019 10:09:42 AM

Grampanchayat  Bhugaon

I have made the payment of Rs. 2707.57 (property id 2546 Bhugaon) against property tax through Bill desk on gramchaitanya.co.in. My account is debited by I have not received the payment receipt.

Kaustubh Ketkar

25/09/2019 11:14:59 AM

Grampanchayat  Shirur Gramin

I will do online payment but online payment option not show this site.

Dilip Laxman Shelke

12/09/2019 03:09:39 PM

Grampanchayat  Somatane

Property tax paid failure in the translation no receipt generated. Amount deducted from bank account. pl refund

Sushil Ghugare

10/09/2019 10:14:54 AM

Grampanchayat  Shirur Gramin

Site is not properly developed, and non usable. it cannot find name of grampanchayat and owner.

Uttam Raut

14/08/2019 02:15:25 PM

Grampanchayat  Bhugaon

I have paid rs. 2676 online using Billdesk. After the payment i have not got any receipt nor any acknowledgement about payment received. Please generate payment receipt and send me. Please modify the website for better operations. Thanks. Jyoti Mogre.

Jyoti Mogre

11/07/2019 04:18:58 PM

Grampanchayat  Somatane

Hi, Much appreciated if all the information and features are also made available in English to help people who does not know Marathi. This will help those people a lot to understand the property tax notice completely Thanks.

Davendra Bhatnagar

15/06/2019 09:24:31 PM

Grampanchayat  Bhugaon

The website is not accepting the payment online. How should i make the payment?

Dheeraj Khurana

01/06/2019 03:45:49 PM

Grampanchayat  Donje

Web site is good. But its not secure web site as it doesnt get opened with https//: www. It has to be amde safe web site. When it can be done?. Please let me know. Regards

Sambhoos S R

06/05/2019 01:14:00 PM

Grampanchayat  Somatane

not able to make payment online how to proceed? property no 1438

Financial Year 18-19 Closed . Hence Online payment Facility will be start after new FY 19-20 Data uploading. Please wait a few Days.


17/04/2019 11:33:56 AM

18/04/2019 07:21:32 AM

Grampanchayat  Shirur Gramin

Not showing my village

Financial Year 18-19 Closed . Hence Online payment Facility will be start after new FY 19-20 Data uploading. Please wait a few Days. Please select District Pune Taluka Shirur Grampanchayat Shirur Gramin.

Kailas Temgire

10/04/2019 09:26:01 PM

11/04/2019 10:24:36 AM

Grampanchayat  Bhugaon

How do we make online payment for property tax for bhugaon? I tried that and it says that this facility is not available for this town. pl clarify if alternate site is present.

Financial Year 18-19 Closed . Hence Online payment Facility will be start after new FY 19-20 Data uploading. Please wait a few Days.

Nitin Kibe

10/04/2019 01:35:25 PM

11/04/2019 10:21:16 AM

Grampanchayat  Somatane

Very poor website, I made payment online no receipt either on portal or email!!!! Regrets

If transaction is pending in Banks pooling a/c then receipt not generate immediately. It will be generate after successful response from your Bank end.

Preeti Uday Deshmukh

27/03/2019 09:04:47 PM

27/03/2019 09:11:50 PM

Grampanchayat  Somatane

My name shown on the property tax bill is Devidas Mahadevan instead of Devadas Madhavan.Please correct. Also please advise me about the property tax bill due

Spelling mistake corrected shortly. All Tax payers are requested to pay all due tax amount on and before 31st March 2019 to avoid 5% fine on due tax amount.

devadas madhavan

02/03/2019 10:49:58 PM

07/03/2019 10:32:28 PM

Grampanchayat  Bhugaon

I am Owner of the two properties with property Nos. 1092/60 and 1092/61. Today I online paid the property tax for both the properties. But I could get the online payment receipt for the property no. 1092/61 only. I could not generate the receipt for the property No. 1092/60 for which Rs. 9856/- were debited from my CITI Bank account.

If transaction is pending in Banks pooling a/c then receipt not generate immediately. It will be generate after successful.Now your transaction is successful. receipt is available on our portal for view print download.

मालकाचे नाव : अंबरीश सदानंद भागवत प्राची अंबरीश भागवत

13/02/2019 04:09:42 PM

14/02/2019 10:07:42 AM

Grampanchayat  Donje

This web site is very user friendly. We are very happy to use this web site. One more payment option to be kept like PayTM.

Thank you Ashish for Appreciation

Ashish Chandanshive

04/02/2019 05:44:32 PM

05/02/2019 12:39:42 PM

Grampanchayat  Bhugaon

I made a payment of Rs. 21061.80 towards payment of Property Tax to Bhugaon GramPanchayat for property no. 1074/19 property ID 3658 on 8th Dec 2018 at 06.01 p.m. Afterwards when I clicked on the details for Property Tax Receipt and for Property Tax Transaction details , it gives a message that there are no records. Please send me both the details on my email id.

Your Tax Transaction receipt is Ready on web portal. Clicking on Online Tax Transaction Receipt for view or Download. Thanks for Digital Payment.


08/12/2018 06:09:56 PM

11/12/2018 01:42:48 PM

Grampanchayat  Kesnand

Hi, I am unable to search and selct the property tax number to make the online payment. your help wolud be highly appreciated. Regards Pooja Shinde 9762470595

Online Payment Procedure sent to you on your Email.

pooja ramchandra shinde

26/11/2018 09:37:13 PM

28/11/2018 12:22:45 PM

Grampanchayat  Kadamwakwasti

I cannot download my property tax receipt for property no - 6/0818/20, kadamwakwasti.

your Grampanchayat Tax transaction receipt is ready on web portal for view or download.

Nilesh Naresh shah

26/11/2018 05:51:13 PM

27/11/2018 04:10:10 PM

Grampanchayat  Kadamwakwasti

Not update on time to time No. useful this site waste of money of Gov.

Website Designed, Developed, Hosted & maintained by Chaitanya Infosys , Pune. Content provided by Grampanchayat Office, and keeping update on time to time is depends on Grampanchayat office.


22/11/2018 06:41:43 PM

24/11/2018 12:06:41 PM

Grampanchayat  Somatane

i am not able to make ONLINE payment of property tax. it is giving server ERROR

There is no server error. It is may be due to internet connectivity. Please try again. Thanks for contacting us.


16/10/2018 01:46:27 PM

25/10/2018 09:45:05 AM

Grampanchayat  Marunji

This site is not working .

Sandip Brahmachary

04/10/2018 11:20:05 PM

Grampanchayat  Bhugaon

I tried to pay my house tax online on your website but my property no is not on your record. I provide details regarding it which are as follows Name of hose owner: Rohini Routal Property no: 1201 Plot no 404 Bhugaon ward no 4 Kindly do needful regarding this matter so I can pay my house tax online on your website. You can contact me on my mobile no 9825839912 for any further information Rohini Routal

Rohini Routal

26/09/2018 11:31:25 AM

Grampanchayat  Bhugaon

Grampanchayat Bavdhan, I have paid my property tax via Grampanchayat online portal on 7th September 2018.Tax amount was Rs 3146. I am unable to generate my tax receipt.Kindly send me the same on my e-mail address & acknowledge me on my mobile number. Thanks & Regards, Iresh Roy

Your Tax Transaction receipt is Ready on web portal. Clicking on Online Tax Transaction Receipt for view or Download. Thanks for Digital Payment.

Iresh Roy

20/09/2018 11:29:09 AM

20/09/2018 12:18:19 PM

Grampanchayat  Bhugaon

the portal is not opening up for online payment of property tax. we get weekly off on sunday. grampanchayat office is closed on sunday. how is it possible to pay tax in time? please activate the online payment portal.

nitin jambhekar

16/09/2018 06:45:54 PM

Grampanchayat  Bhugaon

I am trying to do an online payment for the property tax. Milkat number: 1195; Bill number: 1195. The portal does not show me the tax receipt for the above mentioned bill. I am not able to proceed with the payment. Please help.

Sanyogeeta H. Andhale

15/09/2018 11:14:54 AM

Grampanchayat  Somatane

Hello Team, Could you please provide this website in English language also. Also it should have facility to request name or address correction request and to link any ID proof like PAN or Aadhar to avoid name or address errors. Thank you!

Vikas Thakur

02/09/2018 07:48:32 AM

Grampanchayat  Somatane

This site is well designed and this facility eases a lot for most of the residents. Great efforts very appreciable. Moment the House Tax payment Transaction is successful some acknowledgement should pop up or some statement that the receipt will be generated after few days or temporary receipt could be given.

Thanks for appreciation. New features added today. Please visit. Thanks.

Ravikiran Gangaram Kadam

20/08/2018 02:53:08 PM

27/08/2018 01:44:43 PM

Grampanchayat  Somatane

Not able to pay the property tax of my property which is in Maval as the payment link is not working.

Thanks for visit the web portal. At present GP Somatane is availing this facility in maval. Please confirm for which Grampanchayat you want to pay Tax. You can call me on 9422517141. Kailas Nimhan.


20/08/2018 12:19:02 PM

27/08/2018 01:51:42 PM

Grampanchayat  Marunji

Dear Sir, I am trying to pay tax forB-701 flat at Marunji,Bill No.2117, Milakat No. 2117 online but i am finding diffculty in log in . kindly help me

Online payment procedure Email to you. You can contact on Grampanchayat Clark Phone or Contact us on 9422517141 . Thanks

Ashok B Giriyalkar

08/08/2018 08:28:17 PM

09/08/2018 11:35:34 AM

Grampanchayat  Somatane

Why is receipt of payment not being generated or sent on e-mail? I have made payment of property tax just now.....but no pdf or e-mail

Your transaction is in pending mode , hence receipt not generated. Now transaction is updated successfully. Transaction Receipt is ready on web portal and Email also. Thanks for Digital Payment and creating Digital record at GP level.

Sujata S Deshpande

07/08/2018 11:35:32 AM

07/08/2018 01:04:59 PM

Grampanchayat  Shirur Gramin

Please send us proper link we can not be able to search our property bill

Detail procedure sent on your mail

Franklin Wadcorpp India Pvt Ltd.

16/07/2018 01:23:18 PM

18/07/2018 11:29:20 AM

Grampanchayat  Marunji

I have made the online payment for Property Tax. Property No. 1714 on 07th June 2018 via Credit Card. Still receipt has not been generated nor I have got any confirmation over the Email or on SMS. Kindly rectify this issue as it has been faced by all of us while making the online payment. Thankyou With Regards Rahul Mehto

If transaction is in pending mode then receipt not displayed immediately. It is updated on bank confirmation. your confirmation dt. is 11/06/2018 . Your receipt is ready 11/06/2018 onwords. Please check

Rahul Mehto

12/06/2018 11:57:32 AM

14/06/2018 10:37:13 AM

Grampanchayat  Kadamwakwasti

After payment to tax bill details must show zero {0} amount in bill.

After transaction next day amt. will be deposing to Grampanchayat A/C. After that GP create GP Receipt and updating amt. to Desktop application. after some days desktop data upload on web.


31/05/2018 03:31:42 PM

01/06/2018 08:48:17 AM

Grampanchayat  Kadamwakwasti


This is transaction tax details in which transaction id is important for trace the record.


31/05/2018 02:51:58 PM

01/06/2018 08:45:02 AM

Grampanchayat  Shirur Gramin

Thanks for giving such facility for convenience. I like. Again Thanks.

Thank you very much. Make Digital Payment and support to Digital India as well as contribute for Creating Digital record at Grampanchayat level. Also promote to other peoples. Thanks.

Ashok Pandharinath Chavan

31/05/2018 11:20:05 AM

01/06/2018 08:52:15 AM

Grampanchayat  Bhugaon

Receipt shall be displaced immediately after the payment.

Receipt will be displayed immediately if transaction successful / cancel / reject . If it is in pending mode then receipt displayed after successful.

Madhavi Arun Raorane

23/05/2018 08:48:39 AM

14/06/2018 10:10:59 AM

Grampanchayat  Marunji

i have a property number m155/004 in Pune, Mulshi, Marunji Grampanchayat. I am unable to serach my property on the property tax payment page and hence unable to pay tax. pl help

Jignesh Vora

15/05/2018 09:48:34 PM

Grampanchayat  Marunji

PL note have paid property tax of my flat no M502 Air castle Marunji through SBIbank on line to Marunji gram panchayat but message came as wagholigrm did it reach PL send acknowledge Thanks

Shashikirsn nayak

07/04/2018 09:47:50 PM

Grampanchayat  Somatane

Dear Team, I hereby mentioned above residing at somatane phata on above mentioned address and I wanted to pay grampanchayat bill online but here I am unable to enter my flat no and I can not even able to pay bill over here as payment option is not available here or not working properly. Hence I would like to request you to kindly help with this and resolve it on priority for online payment. Regards, Sajish Ananda Khot 8408000257

Thanks for visit on web portal. sorry for late reply. Update Data on web is 9 th Feb 2018. Till date no property is available with your name. Please contact GP office to Mr. Jivan 9822990052.

Sajish Ananda Khot

09/03/2018 09:53:05 PM

12/03/2018 09:57:12 AM

Grampanchayat  Marunji

Very good facility . Much appreciated.

Thanks for appreciation.


09/02/2018 08:54:39 AM

09/02/2018 08:55:03 AM

Grampanchayat  Bhugaon

Ur website is not working properly,if i put the propert no.in block,then i was click search button,but search button is not working,site is not work..i m not able to pay online,plz help us..

Arpit Jain-- Thanks for visit. Website is working perfectly.If any issues regarding properties please write message to Grampanchayat using Write Massage Tab. Please Call Umesh 9923585927 right person in Grampanchayat office. He help you.

Arpit jain

02/02/2018 10:24:31 AM

02/02/2018 06:07:29 PM

Grampanchayat  Bhugaon

I am unable to gram panchayat Bavdhan Budruk to make online payment. Please correct website line to make online payment

Grampanchayat Bavdhan Budruk not given doccuments for Online Payment. Hence not uploaded Data. Please call with Mr. Satish 8208594545 Grampanchayat Clerk Bavdhan Budruk.

Sneha Balkavade

29/01/2018 09:07:21 AM

29/01/2018 09:30:45 AM

Grampanchayat  Marunji

The initiative is very good and very convenient too. Request you to add the property address also along with the name of the owner. If a person owns more than one property, he/she can make sure about the address for which the tax is paid.

Thanks for suggestion. Address option is available in desktop application. We are adding option on web portal also for your convenient.

A Krishnaswamy

07/01/2018 03:30:10 PM

23/01/2018 03:37:27 PM

Grampanchayat  Marunji

The initiative is very good and very convenient too. Request you to add the property address also along with the name of the owner. If a person owns more than one property, he/she can make sure about the address for which the tax is paid.

Thanks for suggestion. Address option is available in desktop application. We are adding option on web portal also for your convenient.

A Krishnaswamy

07/01/2018 03:29:04 PM

23/01/2018 03:37:33 PM

Grampanchayat  Bhugaon

Santosh Parkhe :- Thanks for appreciate website and visiting site. Also interest showing in Digital payment and contributing in Digital India. Payment option configuration for Bhugaon Grampanchayat is in process and will be started wintin 2-3 days. so please wait till. Once again thanks.

Chaitanya Infosys, Kailas Shelar , 9422517141

15/12/2017 12:03:25 PM

Grampanchayat  Bhugaon

Sir, Website is good i appreciate. But i want online payment facility. It is not available. Thanks Santosh Parkhe

Santosh D Parkhe

14/12/2017 04:57:14 PM

Grampanchayat  Maan

This web site is verry nice

Deshmukh v b

11/12/2017 08:03:54 PM

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